This Is What It's Like to Have an iPad in the Cockpit
American Airlines has been leading the charge when it comes to replacing old-fashioned paper with new-fashioned iPads, and the flight into a paperless future just took a big step. American Airlines is...
View ArticleThis Is Nature's B-2 Bomber
The B-2 Spirit aka Stealth Bomber has a very distintictive shape, and when you place it up against a hawk/falcon(?), you can suddenly see why. Nature has bombers of its own, and that form factor just...
View ArticleWhat's the Safest Seat in an Airplane?
The truth is that, statistically, planes are one of the safest ways to travel. But with that being said, even walking out your front door is going to come with its fair share of risks. So for all you...
View ArticleCould Boarding an Airplane Be More Efficient With This Sliding Seat?
Molon Labe Designs created this concept for airplane seating where the aisle seat can slide in. It's supposed to cut down on boarding times. But are we really that fat? In theory, more aisle space...
View ArticleA Samoan Airline Now Charges Passengers By Body Weight
Bad news for those carrying a few extra pounds: Samoa Air has become the world's first airline to introduce a pricing policy which charges passengers by body weight. Time to diet. The pricing policy...
View ArticleFuture Spy Planes Could Get a Lift from Ionic Thrusters
While hybrid planes like the the 787 Dreamliner and SUGAR concept are far more fuel efficient than conventional airliners, they do still rely on a non-renewable and increasingly limited supply of jet...
View ArticleThis Supersonic Jet Has Trained 50,000 of America's Best Pilots
The US Air Force's armada are among the most advanced aircraft on the planet. As such, the USAF isn't going to let just any schmuck fresh out of basic training take to the skies in an F-35. Instead...
View ArticleAlgorithm Improves Airline Arrival Predictions, Erodes Favorite Work Excuse
When you're flying anywhere you can pretty much turn the whole day into a black hole. The airport/in-flight wifi wasn't working. We sat at the gate for an hour. We were in a holding pattern. It's...
View ArticleYou Can Make Insane Weapons Out of Airport Duty-Free Items
It's widely acknowledged that the purpose of airport security isn't to protect passengers from harm—it's to try and stop major in-flight attacks which take down the plane. That doesn't stop airports...
View ArticleTexting has been linked to its first fatal plane crash.
Texting has been linked to its first fatal plane crash. Tomorrow the NTSB meets to decide if the distraction caused it.
View ArticleInvisible Lightning Strikes Could Be Bombarding Planes With Radiation
Lightning is a terrifying yet majestic force of nature, especially when you see it from an airplane. But scientists have recently discovered that lightning can sometimes be invisible—and it could be...
View ArticleThe Navy's Next Gen Fighter Jets Will Heal Themselves
The F-35 Lightning and F-22 Raptor fifth generation fighters are among the most technologically advanced aircraft in history but the fact that they're barely out of testing (more than can be said about...
View ArticleHow a Single Android Phone Can Hack an Entire Plane
If airlines were already keen to keep your phone switched off, things could soon get even more militant. According to a talk by Hugo Teso at the Hack In The Box security conference, it's possible to...
View ArticleThe Most Popular Seats on an Airplane Are At the Very Back
Where do you like sitting on an airplane? At the very front or the very back? At a window or an aisle? According to research by British Airways, the most popular seats on a Boeing 747 are 51B/51C,...
View ArticleThe Most Badass Plane Ever Had An Equally Awesome Flight Suit
At the height of the Cold War, if you wanted a peek behind the Iron Curtain, it had to be a birds's eye view from 63,000 feet—above the reach of Soviet SAM batteries. And to fly that high, America's...
View ArticleFAA: No, You Can't Take Down a Plane With an Android App
Remember how the internet got itself all riled up a few days ago when it found out that it would only take one rogue Android user to hack and take over an entire plane? Yeah, about that—it's not true....
View ArticleOver 700 American Airlines Flights Cancelled After a Computer System Fails...
All American Airlines flights have been grounded following a system-wide computer outage across the United States. The outage reportedly affects the airline's ability to connect to its reservation...
View ArticleWatch an Airplane Turn Fog Into Beautifully Spinning Cloud Spirals
We've seen planes create a fiery vortex in the sky before, but here's a more peaceful version of it happening in real time. It's majestically beautiful. The wingtip vortices formed when an Airbus A340...
View ArticleTSA Delays Its New Knives-on-Planes Policy
Last month, the TSA announced that it was going to allow travellers to carry knives on planes once more, and the new rule was supposed to come into action this Thursday. Now, though, the TSA has...
View ArticleA 9/11 Plane Part Has Been Found in New York City
The NYPD is saying that a 5-foot long airplane part of a 9/11 plane has been found in an alley near the World Trade Center. The landing gear part, which came from one of the airplanes that crashed into...
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