Good news if you're taking an American Airlines flight any time soon: it's...
Good news if you're taking an American Airlines flight any time soon: it's just become the latest airline to allow personal electronics use throughout entire flights.Read more...
View ArticleThe Next F-35 Lightning's Engine Adapts for Flight, Fight, and Beyond
Unlike commercial airliners, modern military aircraft are subjected to ever-changing flying conditions—from high-thrust takeoffs to flying at altitude to combat maneuvers. So why are they outfitted...
View ArticleThis "Caspian Sea Monster" Was a Giant Soviet Spruce Goose
Soviet engineering is often derided as effective but crude and simplistic, but that's a bum rap. The USSR produced a number of technologies that were as visually arresting as they were effective. Just...
View ArticleIf only all planes could empty out 873 passengers in 78 seconds
Let's hope none of us ever have to be put in a situation where we have to evacuate an airplane but this 2006 evacuation test of an Airbus A380 makes our current plane deplaning process look like a...
View ArticleThe exact moment a flare is ejected from an F-16
The Aviationist found this incredible picture taken by Nikos Delhanidids at the Thessaloniki airbase. It captures the exact moment an F-16 ejects a flare—which is used to mislead heat-seeking...
View ArticleRolls-Royce Is Going to 3D Print Its Airplane Engine Parts
Everyone loves talking about 3D printing, but now it's really hitting the big time: Rolls-Royce has decided that it's going to use the technology to help make its airplane engines.Read more...
View ArticleHow the hell did they cram an aircraft engine inside this van?
This rather nondescript van is being powered by something much more beastly than your usual pistons: an actual airplane turbine engine. Seriously, over in Russia they crammed a real gas turbine engine...
View ArticleNow You Don't Have To Shut Off Your Electronics on European Flights
After last month's hugely celebrated decision by the United States FAA to overturn the personal electronics ban on flights, Europe's EASA has come to a similar decision. The Guardian reports that by...
View ArticleThis Wacky Sci-Fi Plane-Helicopter Hybrid Was Totally Almost a Thing
By the end of WWII, the basics of helicopter technology as we know it had generally been worked out—and we'd begun to reach the aircraft's physical limitations. For the US Air Force, the solution to...
View ArticleFolding Wings Will Let Boeing's New 777x Squeeze Into Small Airports
Commercial planes have gotten bigger and bigger over the past few decades, but the size of the gate at most airports have stayed the same. To circumvent this little infrastructural disconnect, Boeing's...
View ArticleThe "Highway of Light" That Guided Early Planes Across America
The dusty landscape of the American West is dotted with enormous concrete arrows. They look like cryptic messages from a primitive civilization — a civilization that was obsessed with westward...
View ArticleFAA Discovers That Commercial Pilots Suck at Manually Flying Planes
Excited about flying home for Thanksgiving to see your family and friends' shining faces? Well, you won't be after reading this! Because according to a soon-to-be released study commissioned by the...
View ArticleFollowing the decision of the FAA to allow the use of electronics throughout...
Following the decision of the FAA to allow the use of electronics throughout your flight, Southwest is really upping the ante: it will provide Wi-Fi gate-to-gate. You need never be without cat videos...
View ArticleWSJ: The FCC Is Considering Letting You Use Your Phone On Planes
Following loads upon loads of evidence that the ban on smartphone usage during flights is absolutely ridiculous, the government will finally formally take up the matter. According to the WSJ, the FCC...
View ArticleUS Air Force fighter jets will have laser weapons by 2030
A new request by the Air Force Research Lab reveals that the USAF is planning to have laser weapons built in the next generation of fighters by 2030, the US Naval Institute reports. The new jet...
View ArticleWould you want to sit in these morphing airplane seats?
It has more or less become fact that when you pay money to travel on an airplane, you're subscribing yourself to probable gropage, uncomfortable seats, shoddy service, a few degrees of recline comfort...
View ArticleNew Airport Screening Method May Finally End the Absurd Liquid Ban
It looks like the days of shampoo bottles striking fear into the hearts of airport security everywhere might be numbered. Thanks to Los Alamos scientists, a new type of detection technology could give...
View ArticleA Brief History of Airspace Design
Think Los Angeles at rush hour is bad? Try doing it half-blindfolded with nothing but a radio and a few blinking lights to show you the way. That's how pilots navigate the invisible highways in the...
View ArticleThese Little Electric Wheels Will Save Airlines Big Bucks
Because they only have their main engines for propulsion, today's massive modern jet liners can burn hundreds of pounds of fuel just taxiing from the boarding gate to the runway. That translates to...
View ArticleWhat International Air Travel Was Like in the 1930s
Today we largely take international air travel for granted. Every major city in the world is little more than a hop, skip, and jump away. But what was it actually like to fly halfway around the world...
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